
He is playboy, Wow!

Teacher is not an easy job where u can sit and shake ur leg at home most of the time. Imagine that u need to face hundreds of monkeys everyday, urghh, it is terrible. Things go worst when who u facing is more than monkeys -- some are MONSTER that will make u wanna cry out loud, loud, loud and u won't even care about ur ugly-crying-stupid-look.

B'coz if u don't cry, u will explode like a BOMB.

BUT, teacher is also an entertaining job, that make u laugh non-stop like MUAHAHAHAHA-HUHAHAHA-HEHEHE (and yeah, just like the mad hatter in Alice in Wonderland).

This is a task i gave to my year three pupils:

I was teaching prepositions [ in front of, next to, behind, between]. What the pupils needed to do was just change the underlined words according to their seat in the classroom right now. Well yea, i thought this was quite an easy job as they just need to change the words, right? and no need to think much too.It's as easy as kacang putih.

And these are some answers that i received.


i am Afif. In the class, Azizul sits in front of me. He is (a) friendly boy. I sits between Shukri and Azizul. They are my best friends. Azizul sits behind me. His hobby is reading book. Azizul sits next to Tharsini.

How come Azizul can sit in front of u, behind u, next to u, and next to Tharsini at a time?!!? How many Azizul are there in your class??


Ellisya sits in front of me. She is very ciut.

Ciut?? Did u mean cute? Huh?


Hakimi sits in front of me. He is playboy.

WTH?? This is the youngest playboy in the world i think, muahahahaha (couldn't stop myself from LOL)


Ghost sits in front of me. He is my best friend.

My comment to him:Are u sure ghost is ur best friend?? This boy sits in the first row in the class. his best friend write : Ghost sits in front of me. He is not friendly. He copied his friend's words, but obviously his friend is cleverer by keeping distance with ghosts. Maybe he will need a bomoh =P

♥ siawshan


去听一个老朋友 =)





好像刘轩到美国的学校报到,什么字都不会,只会爸爸妈妈教的 i don't know。


刘墉向来对儿子管教严格。他当儿子的竞争者,他让儿子走自己的路,他把儿子推出去。虎父无犬子。那时候大概知道刘轩起码不会成为平凡的泛泛之辈。不过我也没有想到他一下子考上哈佛大学,茱莉叶音乐学院,然后还当上夜店 DJ。我从报章看到刘轩吓死人的简历,这虎子何止不简单,简直厉害透了。

先不管学历不学历,光是夜点 DJ,刘轩的生活实在太精彩。

《放任心中的一百次流浪》是为了给刘轩亲手签名才买下来的。我不是没有看过他的书。很久以前从一间小小的佛学会拿回《属于那个叛逆的年代》,我读过几回,现在却一点内容也想不起了。《放》现在在我桌子上。写字写得闷了,很顺手会拿起来翻,差不多要读完了。对比书本的内容,在对比他的讲座,音乐无疑是刘轩的生命。他对 DJ 这么热爱,唱片一张一张放,他也游走在舞池间的男欢女爱,走进一个故事,又从另一个故事走出来。



-最后,刘轩书本的封面很好玩 =) -

♥ siawshan


my saturdayss ♥

13 March

Bah-kut-teh-ing with my family at Klang. Well, that day I just ate too much, didn't feel like eating pork. However, the dinner ended up with a lot of pork in my stomach (and it was DELICIOUS). I myself staying near Klang, i ate a lot tasty bah-kut-teh since i was borned. Now, being far away from my hometown, trying different bah-kut-teh outside, still, i think that klang's bah-kut-teh is the best of very best. I kept wondering -- do Seremban people boycott char siew pau from other places? or do Penang people boycott laksa from other states? Let me know please =)

I had a great time having bah-kut-teh with my family, especially when i accidentally asked a customer to take order. Hmm, I was blinded, as Joch scolded me, ' how come u ask him to take order? as the workers here all in uniform and he is NOT?'

20 March

I went for hot balloon festival, again, yeah.What I thought after all is that: we should not go there at nite. The balloons stayed at the field, not wanting to rise. We kept standing there, waiting for nothing, until Siewteng got hungry, and i was starving. Moreover, we could hardly get a nice shot at nite. The people in front were so bright because of the flash light (it made our face looked so oily) and the balloon behind could not be seen at all. I got so tired of editing the photos and i didnt even want to post my photo here since the flash light revealed my UGLYNESS.

And this is the best shot among the worst.

- phew, finally finished my novel -
♥ siawshan


87年 versus 90后



  1. 红透半边天的小天王天后,原来才20岁
  2.  Hippo参加旅行观摩团,身边都是90年、93年,87年可是绝无仅有啊(泣)
  3. 连媒体都变心,副刊专题都在探讨90后的心态





 :: 87年,我们拥有90后所没有的自在::

 - 虽然不甘心,但还是很期待25岁,30岁,35岁的自己 -
♥ siawshan


我想说的 ♥ 爱情













我虽然不相信一见钟情, 可是我很相信爱情有即时的火花。多年前认识再相处下来没有来电,就是close file了,火花不可能在这么多年以后突然呲呲作响。除非,除非两个人一起经历过什么特别的事。她失恋喝酒刚好他在附近两个人坐着聊了一个晚上;他不得已偷东西她刚好在附近帮他掩饰;她脚断了去到诊所刚好他是医生然后鼓励她振作。

诸如此类的。(林晓姗,这些是什么怪例子 = =)

然后这个人他说也许我们可以试着在一起, 可是他心里面还有一个他很喜欢很喜欢的女生。他跟她表白,然后她不再跟他讲话,看到他好像看到鬼一样到处避。他很痛苦,每次想到她,心里好像被一块石头压着,如此沉重。两个人做不成情侣,然后她建议:不如你当我哥哥算了。每次跟我提到她,他都叫她 ‘契妹’。


第一,从她的反应,很明显她并不喜欢这个男生。 唯恐避之不及的态度,说明他是一点机会都没有的。他的心被伤透,但我很欣赏女生这样的做法。一是一,二是二,不会利用喜欢她的男生,不会给他一丝希望,不会让他无止尽等下去。有些女生会很得意有免费阿四供她随意使唤,but sorry,i think u are very cheap of doing this.

第二,我妈妈以前就时常讲:“认什么契哥契妹,契来契去契上床!”我不敢讲太多,不过会互相契来契去的,通常都是要追追不到,或者是不能成为情侣的把戏。当然,我不敢一竹子打翻整条船,不过,至少是八九不离十。最好的例子是《富贵门》里面的袁咏仪和罗嘉良,时不时就有这样的对白:“他是我妹妹啊!” “他是我二哥啊!” 妹妹和二哥一直挂在嘴边,只不过是要提醒自己,不要再陷进去。这是最痛苦的逃避方法。



见鬼了,这次真的见鬼了。碰到这样的假桃花(不是烂桃花,烂桃花至少是真的),我的心里有一堆@#$%^&*&%%#@@$^%X 的符号。以下是我的情绪分析表:

  1. 开心指数:完全没有
  2. 被侮辱指数:接近爆灯 [WARNING]
  3. 不受尊重指数:爆破三个灯 [碰!碰!碰!]
  4. 生气指数:爆灯 [碰!]

在这个没有见过面都可以在 facebook 找一个女朋友的青菜爱情时代,宋承宪的爱情有品多了。为什么衣服非要 mango,运动鞋非要 nike,蛋糕非要 secret recipe,电脑非要apple,电话非要i-phone的时代,而我们竟可以忍受这样廉价,这样没品的爱情?

- 我知道的,是寂寞在作祟 ;(  -
♥ siawshan



睫毛弯弯 =)


My 2nd trial with false eyelash



Gonna try again next time =)

- wanting big and round eyes -
♥ siawshan


Maxwell Hill ♥ Again







除了 widescreen,这是我好爱的一个setting,只看得到绿色,其他一律是黑白。它很矛盾:对绿色特别偏爱,但对其他颜色,再优秀再特出,再平凡再丑陋,都视而不见,跟天下父母爱孩子的方式如出一辙。相机里居然还有这样的哲学。


- in love with maxwell hill -
♥ siawshan =)


我的真命天名 ♥ The Name


I used to wonder why I didn't have a Christian name. This made me kept thinking a suitable Christian name for myself from years to years. I had had lot of weirdo names. I was Fanny when I was 9 (I didn't really like this name NOW), Casey when I was 11, Esther when I was 12, and finally Hazel when I was 16.
我小时候常想:如果有一个听起来很像洋名的中文名就好了:比如柔恩 (Joan),比如雪丽(Sally),比如美丽(Mary)。这样子就不用费尽心思,洋名改了好几百个都没有一个中意的。九岁时我是 Fanny,十一岁改叫 Casey,十二岁变成 Esther,然后十六岁用 Hazel,一用好几年,没有再改过。

Some suggested me to name myself as Susan since it sounds similar to my Chinese name. But I don't really like it as this name is SO SO SO COMMON that it appears in different English textbooks, workbooks, story books, test papers, stupid jokes, advertisements and dramas.
曾经有朋友叫我 Susan。这是众多名字里面,和我本名晓姗听起来最相似的洋名。我差点被动摇,改名叫 Susan,后来作罢。第一我并不太喜欢这个名字;第二这个名字太普通。在街上随便叫一声 Susan,至少会有三个人回头。

My youngest brother had a Christian-like Chinese name that sound like Johnson. However, he never like this name and now he had grown up to a 17-years-old, he named himself as Joch, the combination of his English name (JOng CHen). I said, wow then, should I so-called as Sish (SIaw SHan)?

Absolutely Sish is a stupid name, does not sound good or taste good either, so don't worry cause I will NEVER EVER let people call me like that.
我的弟弟叫忠诚,听起来跟 Johnson 很像。我以为他迟早会介绍自己是 Johnson Lim,可是他长到16岁,开 Facebook 户口,用的名字是 Joch,Jong Chen 的缩写。我很欣赏他的创意,不过如果要依样葫芦的话,我的名字就是 Sish,不三不四,听起来好像逗小孩尿尿的声音。

Okay. I do tell you a long long story about the history of my Christian name, just because I had found one that REALLY suit my Chinese name as what I dreamed when I was young:

Don't get it? Let's have a close-up then:

Wondering what is it? Let's have a guess.





Answer: Body shampoo for Oni, Sin Ling's dog.


Okay then, just a joke to share. Don't call me SELSUN as u will get disappointed, realizing that I'm not going to reply a word. By the way, it is the name of a shampoo brand, not mine.

p/s: Accidentally snap it. So natural. Love it a lot.

For those who prefer to read in Mandarin, please HIGHLIGHT the text =)
想看中文翻译的,请把整篇 Highlight 起来 =)

♥ siawshan

Diet time (you drive me crazy)

Well, the first attack came from facebook:

i was something like getting mad with this Tan Kee Hooi at first. This guy kept saying I m FAT since like, hmm, 3 years ago i think?

  1. He reminded me i'm fat EVERYTIME i saw him
  2. He said i'm really fat comparing to his dream girl
  3. He said his family kept yelling when they saw my photo: "Oh my god, she's SO FAT!"

He drove me crazy. I felt like gonna peel his skin. Instead of doing something against law, I played basketball, I danced, I controlled my diet. It was a hard time for someone lazy like me. Two months later, I looked better in front of camera, I could wear S-size shirt, and yeah, I forgave and appreciated him for getting me frustrated.

And now, yea, he started again.

I admited that I did not go for basketball anymore, I eat quite a lot everyday, I sit after having my meal, I cheat myself that my tummy was not that obvious and still can be hide, I tell everyone that I m 48kg (some trust it and others laugh like hell).

I WANTED to ignore him, until the second advise came from MSN, telling me that I should try to be on diet as I looked fatter in the latest photos that I posted on facebook. DID I?? It is meaningless to check back the photos that I posted or remove the tags. I put my hand on my tummy and arghh, hate to face it but I should not escape from the fact anymore.

I'm 168cm tall and my weight right now is 5X kg (dare not step on any bathroom scale but yea, i think it is around 54kg or more). I was in a great shock when I read from paper that Khalil Fong is 52kg with his 172cm height!! I m shorter than him and heavier than him.Something went wrong with him? Or me?

No excuses to run from this critical issue anymore. Give me two months, let's see how far can I go. Aim for 50kg. Not too fat and not too thin, just enough. Skinny is not my type. Some more, I will need a super-duper push ups if I get as skinny as Kate Moss or Sammi Cheng. 

♥ siawshan

Erhem, my first time writing in English.
Yea I know my English is something like limited-company,
Don't laugh. 
At least please give me a clap for my bravery,


流失 :(






- Wanna have a travel by my own :( -
♥ siawshan


♥ 神秘嘉宾


不用 PS 照片,不用冲人气,不用逼自己更新文章。



 ♥  siawshan   

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