Yeah,i know i have not update here for a week and i mean to do something on it. I come here everyday, opening a new post, write something random happened, and then erase all what i wrote and sign out again. And now,i m here to talk about two movies i had watched. In mandarin,hahahahaha.本来对这部戏没什么兴趣,可是朋友看了都说好看好看,搞得我心痒痒,总算赶在下映前看了。也许是期望太高吧,失望也很高,这部戏居然让我觉得闷,没有想象中的精彩。故事也很老掉牙,很典型的好莱坞冒险电影,看着看着还觉得和Shia有份演的那套《Indiana Jones》有点相似。最不能顶的是男女主角也未免太过暧昧了,目光一相对,就好像要吻起来了,每一次相望都望得这样深,有点莫名其妙。男主角女主角跑来跑去时,我一直在状况外,想念着每一部我看过的,故事很简单很简单,却意外深刻的小电影。
The Karate Kid

成龙的戏很精彩,可是我喜欢的没有几部,这个算是我最喜欢的一部了。就商业电影而言,我给他99分,比《叶问2》还要高。很多人看这两部戏都要讲到种族主义,我就不讲了。Will Smith的儿子Jaden Smith外形没有很惊艳,我越看他却越是喜欢,Dre这个角色非常讨好,古灵精怪,搏斗时还要做鬼脸,成龙还要交待他:“No face!” 故事没有很特别,不过很流畅,非常好看。我觉得我爱它最大的原因是成龙不再是拼命耍宝的人。整部戏里他的角色很沉重,他这样的年龄演起来正合适。成龙毕竟年纪大了,再故意搞笑似乎有那么点凄凉、不好看。这次把搞笑的棒子都交给一个12岁的黑人小孩,很逗趣也很幽默,我忍不住笑了很多次。
This is just a little opinion from mine. And yet you should have found out that, watching movie with me is never a good deal, as i demand too much always. Hehe.
by in jim siawshan
10 則留言:
这篇英文跟中文穿插,我很混乱……我会进场看Prince of Persia的话,应该是看美女而已!哈哈哈哈哈……
呵呵, 都告诉你Karate Kid不错了吧, 现在相信我的话了吗? 呵呵!
接下来, 应该去看Sex and the City 2! :)
我觉得啊Prince of Persia是我看过,最好看的一部戏。
而成龙那部Karate Kid是我看过这多部成龙的戏里最差劲的一部。 TT
我 也 很 喜 歡 The Karate Kid~
Jaden 很 可 愛 啊,很 會 演 =DDD
他 還 沒 12 歲~
嗯,你 說 的 成 龍 那 part 很 對 咯。贊 同 贊 同
watching movie with me
is never a good deal,as
i demand too much always.
I won't thought a bit of
tat cause u not as critic
as me..wakakakaka...
i enjoy every bitof watever
movie i choose to watch but
after that...kakaka
come the suffer bit
Jackie chan character as u
can notice is try to avoid
every bits of Pat Morita
but because Pat Morita is
too identical as the icon.
Every bits of jackie chan
portrait Mr.Han had fail terribly.
and the kung fu move as
shown in the movie had lack
of inner side explored if
compare to 1984 production
how can a basic chore become
a kung fu move is to lightly
portray and the inner
discipline of a good disciple require more than the fountain water
this as shown in 1984
production is the art of
trimming bonsai using bonsai
to train up the calm of soul
and help to promote clear thinking.
Some ppl may critic y I
compare this two Since it
had show the cultural
difference In both movie.
I tell u y.
because the karate Kid 2010
is using the same old script
as 1984 Without altering any
bits except the scene of China
and the culture awareness of
kung fu. So we oath to compare both.
我和你一样比较喜欢《the karate kid》
哈哈哈,也对,下次不要这样写了 XD
sex n the city我朋友都不想看咧,唉。
my computer,
对阿,很可爱,很精灵tim XD
wow,thx for ur profesional comment~
而忽略了inner side。
ya..when the old trick no longer can be satisfied the hunger try to be excellent than other begin....
thus a lot of cheap stack remake
been produce just for the earning
sake..and tend to neglect every
bit of the classic inside the story