我都不懂做什么我要这么折腾我自己,小说明明好了,还是寄不出去,事情明明很多,还是坚持要弄好小说,不弄心里就过不去,给人看这么烂的作品我都不好意思。妈的,今天不管怎样都要弄好了。哪里知道今天讲师改好我的Action Research,改完后对我说:
“Pass up Monday ya!”
“Hah?Monday?! Cannot eh!”
“Then,when u want to pass up?”
“Wednesday cannot! U wont get finish in time! U go back edit and pass up tomorrow lah!”
“Cannot Miss Wong! I have things to do today!”
“What thing?”
“Important thing!”
“What important thing?”
“Important personal thing!”
“What important personal thing?”
给她知道我要写小说,我就不用活了。所以我不讲,Miss Wong就逼我:“Nothing is more important than your action research you know!”很好,我认输了,考试不重要,比赛不重要,奖金不重要,最重要的就是Action Research!!啊!不要把我逼疯啊!!
头大,头真的很大!我的小说不管了,今天一定要弄好,然后还要弄好Action Research,我今晚不用睡了,呜!我讨厌十月!
by siawshan