

Haf to study for tomorow exam, yea. This is the very FIRST time i didn't read a word 1 day before the exam! @@ Absolutely,it is not a good feeling at all, hmm! I plan to sacrifice my sleep at first, but...but...now i felt sleepy and...i think sleeping is more important XD

Yea, i know how passive i act towards the exam this time. Ketsin n yinsin kept reminding me on that since last week:

"U had changed!"
"What happened to u!"
"U r not u!"

I dunno what happen pun eh. who can tell me up there please.

Feeling uncertain these days. seem complicated but i dunno how to settle it. i need an answer so that i know where my position is. then i can act according to what i suppose to be.i m demanding yet i felt confused. Erm, is there any clear sign to make me clear with everything please? I haf d courage to take it up, i also haf d courage to put it down.

that's all. By the way, i just need somebody listening to me, i m not emo. =)

by siawshan

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

Well~ I cant listen to you, so I'll just view your blog. When life goes up in smoke, its also time for a promotion in life later on.
Of course, saying is always easier than doing. So~ HANG IN THERE!!!

Akira 思胜 說...

Aiyoyo, dont worry, you are not alone there... :)

Swat Yin 說...

Jia You =)

匿名 說...

嗨,昨天我浏览你的部落格时,网站显示"only for invited readers",害我伤心了一整天TT,还好今天又可以看了。可以不要封锁你的部落格吗?我是看到你在学海里写的专栏,被你的文章吸引过来的,please...

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