
Diet time (you drive me crazy)

Well, the first attack came from facebook:

i was something like getting mad with this Tan Kee Hooi at first. This guy kept saying I m FAT since like, hmm, 3 years ago i think?

  1. He reminded me i'm fat EVERYTIME i saw him
  2. He said i'm really fat comparing to his dream girl
  3. He said his family kept yelling when they saw my photo: "Oh my god, she's SO FAT!"

He drove me crazy. I felt like gonna peel his skin. Instead of doing something against law, I played basketball, I danced, I controlled my diet. It was a hard time for someone lazy like me. Two months later, I looked better in front of camera, I could wear S-size shirt, and yeah, I forgave and appreciated him for getting me frustrated.

And now, yea, he started again.

I admited that I did not go for basketball anymore, I eat quite a lot everyday, I sit after having my meal, I cheat myself that my tummy was not that obvious and still can be hide, I tell everyone that I m 48kg (some trust it and others laugh like hell).

I WANTED to ignore him, until the second advise came from MSN, telling me that I should try to be on diet as I looked fatter in the latest photos that I posted on facebook. DID I?? It is meaningless to check back the photos that I posted or remove the tags. I put my hand on my tummy and arghh, hate to face it but I should not escape from the fact anymore.

I'm 168cm tall and my weight right now is 5X kg (dare not step on any bathroom scale but yea, i think it is around 54kg or more). I was in a great shock when I read from paper that Khalil Fong is 52kg with his 172cm height!! I m shorter than him and heavier than him.Something went wrong with him? Or me?

No excuses to run from this critical issue anymore. Give me two months, let's see how far can I go. Aim for 50kg. Not too fat and not too thin, just enough. Skinny is not my type. Some more, I will need a super-duper push ups if I get as skinny as Kate Moss or Sammi Cheng. 

♥ siawshan

Erhem, my first time writing in English.
Yea I know my English is something like limited-company,
Don't laugh. 
At least please give me a clap for my bravery,

8 則留言:

Nate River 說...

*Clap ^^

Actually, I was once like your friend Tan Kee Hooi,
keep fooling around and saying my friend(she 70kg++ O_O), so fat.
but that was after she saying me things about my tooth...= =+

Luckily I m not that active in fb,
ppl dun dare to put my photos on.
Luckily, becoz now i m getting fatter = =+

My Computer 說...

好久没来你家做客了,差点以为进错别人的家,就连标题也换了,不再是No U-turn.

首先,谢谢你在你的部落格提到我的名字。再来我要向你道歉,没想到我的话,原来会造成你那么多的烦恼。 对不起...



Unknown 說...




Akira 思胜 說...

呵呵, 你写到很不错哦, 感觉你写英文真的很特别呢! XD

不过我感觉你的身材刚刚好啊, 是那些灯笼惹的祸啦... 要减肥可以, 不过不要太过分哦!

愿你一直青春美丽! :)

Man Ching 說...

clap clap~~



TT 說...


H@Zel 說...

Nate River,
hahaha,y u so naughty,it's no good to tease ur fren like tat oh XD
haha,let's gambate together to lose weight~ yeah yeah~

你气我不要紧,我不怕你,哼!我一定会变瘦的,哈哈 XD



Man ching,
他们家我不知道,不过他自己是超瘦的 ==

呜呜,希望可以做到拉 TT

H@Zel 說...

ya,i know XD
but wat he say is the fact leh TT

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