
He is playboy, Wow!

Teacher is not an easy job where u can sit and shake ur leg at home most of the time. Imagine that u need to face hundreds of monkeys everyday, urghh, it is terrible. Things go worst when who u facing is more than monkeys -- some are MONSTER that will make u wanna cry out loud, loud, loud and u won't even care about ur ugly-crying-stupid-look.

B'coz if u don't cry, u will explode like a BOMB.

BUT, teacher is also an entertaining job, that make u laugh non-stop like MUAHAHAHAHA-HUHAHAHA-HEHEHE (and yeah, just like the mad hatter in Alice in Wonderland).

This is a task i gave to my year three pupils:

I was teaching prepositions [ in front of, next to, behind, between]. What the pupils needed to do was just change the underlined words according to their seat in the classroom right now. Well yea, i thought this was quite an easy job as they just need to change the words, right? and no need to think much too.It's as easy as kacang putih.

And these are some answers that i received.


i am Afif. In the class, Azizul sits in front of me. He is (a) friendly boy. I sits between Shukri and Azizul. They are my best friends. Azizul sits behind me. His hobby is reading book. Azizul sits next to Tharsini.

How come Azizul can sit in front of u, behind u, next to u, and next to Tharsini at a time?!!? How many Azizul are there in your class??


Ellisya sits in front of me. She is very ciut.

Ciut?? Did u mean cute? Huh?


Hakimi sits in front of me. He is playboy.

WTH?? This is the youngest playboy in the world i think, muahahahaha (couldn't stop myself from LOL)


Ghost sits in front of me. He is my best friend.

My comment to him:Are u sure ghost is ur best friend?? This boy sits in the first row in the class. his best friend write : Ghost sits in front of me. He is not friendly. He copied his friend's words, but obviously his friend is cleverer by keeping distance with ghosts. Maybe he will need a bomoh =P

♥ siawshan

8 則留言:

Akira 思胜 說...

哈哈, 笑死我啦!!! 你做老师的, 的确可以看到很多笑料呢!

DoNuT LayC 說...


米克橘子 說...
choy 說...

You must send them stand at the "back-side" as a warning...LOL

karila 說...

The ghost thingy make me laugh a lot..kid now are really unpredictable..hahaha

文^^ 說...

haha.. it is an entertaining job... seems u like it.. haha

H@Zel 說...

哈哈,有时真的会笑到疯掉 XD

肚子痛可以上厕所 =P

walau eh, tease me like dis good meh TT

yeah,they're so cute XD

sometimes it is very suffering TT
i juz try to enjoy it =)

me 說...

I just came across this post (Hopefully I'm not too late to give a comment or two).
Ariff was a genius. The earth is round, so we may consider those on the left to be on the right too =)
"between" can be used to describe the position in between front and back. So the earth is round, I can say Azizul is sitting behind and in front of my, and i'm sitting in between Azizul. LOL

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